Hicks Motorsports
Although, I would love to see some racing Flintstone style, until that happens you are going to need an engine. There are a few engine packages from which to choose. The most popular here in Southern CA are the Iame KA engine lines. They are considered a mid-priced engine package.
To make those engines go you are going to need fuel. There are a couple of fuel options.
The question of the hour is, "Can you run Pump gas?" The answer is "Yes" if you want to ruin your engine. It's up to you.
Jesus is the man! His engines are fast and reliable. He is very busy and hasn't been taking new customers, but I would give him a call anyway.
Plan on a two week or more turnaround.
James is the other man! My suggestion is to purchase a stock engine from these guys so you can run it longer and it will be more reliable. Then when it needs some love take it back to MDG and they can take it to P1 for you.
Alex is a great guy and his engines are up there with the best. He is very helpful and always has lots of great advice and tips.
These 2 stroke engines are the most popular in Southern California. You will find the most competition when you race in the Micro, Mini, and KA 100 classes. How often your engine needs to be rebuilt depends on for what and how you use it. Engines that will be raced need to be maintained more often than those just used for practice. You should rebuild the carb before a race or every 8-10 hours. Stock engines can go 30 hours before a rebuild.
They come in 2 sizes, one for your younger racers in the Cadet kart KA65 and one for your full-size kart KA100.
LO 206
Four Stroke engines are easy to maintain and more affordable because they require less upkeep. They do not reach the speeds that the other engines get, but because of this, the fields stay closer together, and the racing can be quite exciting.
The classes are small in Southern California but have been growing recently. These engines are most popular in Central California.
X30 125CC
These engines are fast. A few people run them in Southern California but not many. They are very popular across the country. Because of their speed, they are recommended for more experienced drivers.
X30's are still 2 strokes but are water-cooled because of their horsepower. The maintenance and running of these takes a little more experience.
Wheee- these look like fun. They go fast and then faster. You should probably know what you are doing if you are running one of these, but honestly, sometimes they look a little crazy out there.
Roc Engines
These are the engines they run in the Challenge series. They are slightly different than the Iame but close. They are also run in Northern California. The carbs are somewhat different in that they require you to take apart the carb to adjust. They have two sizes - full size and cadet.
They make an excellent shifter engine.
VP Racing Fuel
This is the standard fuel used at the local club races in California. 98 is better but 112 will work.
The green alternative. Superkarts has switched over to this more environmentally friendly fuel.
This fuel will work just fine but is not used at any of the series here in California.