Hicks Motorsports/HRT Driver Develompent
Used Items
Be careful you know what you are getting when you purchase used items.
There are some great Facebook groups that sell used parts. OTK Kart Parts for sale or Karting Parts for Sale are some good ones.
Ekarting News also has a classifieds section.

Kart Chaser-live and recorded karting videos.
Karting maintenance and repair videos-Power Republic. These are William's Dad's favorite for tips and how to's.
Ryan Norberg-he is great in going over race craft. His videos are a wealth of knowledge.
There are a couple major brand of tires that you will be using.
Hoosiers- a softer tire. These are run at TriC races.
Envico- There are used at LAKC and SKUSA races. The blues for KA100 and Reds for X30 and Shifter. The blues are the harder compound and reds are a softer.
Levanto-If you race the Challenge series or in Northern CA you will use these tires. They are also fine for practice.
When do you know a tire is gone? There are little round holes in the tire. If those are very shallow your tire needs to be replaced. Unless you are getting ready to race, then you need to change tires every few sessions. Please ask as we always have used tires for sale.
Live timing of races is kept on the Race Hero App. When you are ready for racing you need to dowload this app to keep track of your speed, laptimes of other drivers, race schedules, and other races (you might find yourself "watching" this on weekends and routing for your favorite drivers).
Go karting can be very cost effective if you work on your own kart. Most of your cost will be engine maintenance, tires, fuel, and track fees. Crashes can add up depending on severity.
These prices are approximate and are just to give you an idea. Tires about $240 a set. Race fees can be $150. Track days are $60-$80. A can of fuel (5 gallons) $100 and oil $25 a container.
Once your driver is ready they can work with a coach like HRT Driver Development and when they are up to speed they can start racing.
Full Caster- Mike and Derick (who run CalSpeed) get together with some of the biggest names in karting and just talk. It's really a fun time. Great way to learn about karting.
Ekarting News- where you can find all things karting. They also do live broadcasts of some bigger races.
Kart Chaser- This is more of an East Coast broadcast but they do live video of all the big races as well as a Happy Hour conversation at 5:00 on Tuesdays. Follow them on Facebook as well.
We highly recommend the OTK brands and find them easy to work on and find parts for. We haven't driven any other brands so maybe we are a bit partial, but when you are winning in something why change it?
A new chasse will run you around $5,300 and there is the set-up, Micron, seat, and other features you might want to add ($1,000+).
There are often used chassis available. I would check with MDG or any of the sites mentioned above.